Cheryl had to go to do food tasting tonight. Okay, so that probably needs some explaining. Some years back, while strolling through the row of tents down the middle of the street during Dublin's St. Patty's day festival, we happened upon an opportunity to sign up to be food testers. The National Food Lab was in Dublin (moved to Livermore a couple months back, but we still go) and they needed tester. We show up, go in a room with people in lab coats, eat something, answer questions, get $25, leave. Awesome!
Anyway, so Cheryl was out in Livermore testing toffee popcorn. I went last night to test granola bars. The kid was asleep and for the hour or so we were home, not a peep on the monitor. Cars were blowing horns in the parking lot, alarms were going off, I banged a few things around in the kitchen - nothing. As soon as Cheryl walked in, though, the kid started crying. Crazy.
Couple of weeks back, I took her for a walk. We got a couple blocks from home, and she started to cry. We walked back. As we close to home, she stopped. We kept walking and as soon as we were as far from home - in the other direction this time - she started crying again. We turned around and as soon as we got close to home, she stopped. I think she has a proximity sensor connected to her mom...?
Just A Last Minute Trip . . .
11 years ago