Saturday, September 11, 2010

Basketball...sort of

For the past couple of months, I've been taking Emma to soccer class on Saturdays. It's a half hour and they play little games with small soccer balls. Obviously, learning soccer is not the priority, having fun, being active, interacting with other kids, following direction, etc. is what we try to do there. But, the soccer is a pretty big part of the whole thing.

During the classes, she'd get bored halfway through and want to stop playing. She'd start picking up the ball and throwing it, she'd take off running without the ball, pretty much do everything except soccer. We thought, "Why push her? There's other sports." So, when soccer ended two weeks ago, we didn't sign her up again. Instead, we signed up for basketball.

So we get there today and the class is in a big high school gym. They have the small basketballs and short baskets set up for the kids. Emma goes and gets a ball, puts it on the ground, and takes the ball from one end of the gym to the other such that Pele himself would be proud.

Oh kids.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Flu Vaccines...

Thursdays are lodge night. I usually don't get home until at least 10pm. This means that a)I don't get to see Emma and b)poor Cheryl has to deal with both kids on her own. Lodge, therefore, brings with it a special guilt for this former alter boy.

Last night, as I walked up the stairs at 10:30, I noticed Emma's bedroom light on. Oh, that can't be good. I walk in and the house looks a bit disheveled, Cheryl looks slightly more disheveled, and Emma sitting in her lap looks like she invented the word disheveled.

The two of them had gotten the flu vaccine mist up their noses. And, as any good doctor will tell you, you don't get sick from that. So, last night, Emma wasn't reacting to the flu mist while doing her best to cough out that annoying lung of hers, and I wasn't up all night dealing with her crying, barking-coughing, and watching episode after episode of Elmo's world. Because, of course, these flu vaccines don't have side effects.

Oh, and to top it off, not only had Emma puked all over her bed by the time I got home last night, but Chloe had puked on my bed, and Alex, feeling left out, took his turn to join in the festivities as well.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time to restart...

I love to write. I'm not that good at it, I know, but I like doing it. And how do you get better at doing something? By doing it a great deal. And yet, how to find the time to do it?

So, now we have two kids. Alex is 5 weeks old. Emma is 2 years old. We hardly have time to eat, much less blog.

I'm going to try and consider this a reset. I like to write and to keep my sanity, I'm going to make sure to do at least some of the things I like instead of giving it all up. I'll give up sleep (hardly getting any to begin with) to make time for this.