Well, I do. I paint the closets. Even the top shelf, where no one sees, where I need extra lights to help me see, even up there, I paint. Both my parents are to blame for this insanity. "If you're not going to do a job right, don't do it at all." That, and the white-glove inspections my mom made when I did my cleanings have left me with this complex.

After we got rid of the couch, there was room for the closet in the spare room to barf out its contents. Some of it was given to Goodwill, some was tossed out, but most we kept. Before, we had stuff in the office and in the spare room. With the kid coming, all that would have to be compacted down into one closet. I needed a storage solution. I needed Ikea!

We drove down with a particular shelf in mind. It was cheap. It was aluminum. And it was small enough so that I could fit four of the shelves in the closet. At $15 a pop, it was going to be okay.
We got to Ikea. Cheryl and I had an awesome $2 breakfast (if you've never had these, go this weekend! seriously, it's great) and then took a long stroll through the warehouse in search of our shelves. We found them. I think if we had stacked too much paper on them, they would have crumpled. So scratch that plan. What else can we do?
We lookded around and found modular shelving. It was raw lumber. There were different sizes of wood that could be transformed into any size shelving needed. Some quick math and geometry told me I could have nice, solid, wooden shelves for cheaper than the aluminum jobs that I originally intended to buy. How sweet it is! And to top it off, the wood was a bit too tall. I'd have to saw it down myself. I get to use my saw!!! I grunted in approval. We bought the stuff, loaded the Accord and came home.

In just a few short hours, we had gone to Ikea, bought the shelves, sawed and sanded them to size, assembled them, and loaded them with stuff. The closets were done! Not too bad so far. I may get this baby room ready after all.

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