Step one was to get the spare room to be an office. That meant getting rid of the old couch. It was a great couch. I really liked it. We got it from the in-laws. It was a La-z-boy with reclining seats and a fold down middle part that had cup holders. This was a couch. It didn't fit in with the new decor, so it had to go. We took it to the consignment store and got a little cash for it. Not a bad deal.
Of course, we have two Hondas. Not the ideal couch moving vehicles. I needed my dad's truck. I also needed to tell him and my mom that they were going to be grandparents. They've been nagging since forever to have kids and it was taking its toll on me.
I invited my parents up for breakfast and to help me move the couch. They were suspicious. My uncle was visiting from Canada and I'm asking my parents to leave Turlock, drive an hour up here, and have breakfast all so that I can get rid of a couch that has been sitting there for a couple of years? It took some convincing, but they came up.
We loaded the couch in the truck, took it to the store, then into the store, then up the stairs to the second floor of the store, where we reassembled it. Great, phase 1 complete! The couch was gone. If they sold it, awesome, I'd get some cash, if not, it's okay because I could at least start working on the office.
Now came the part about telling my mom and dad they were going to be grandparents. We went to a restaurant for breakfast. We had a little brag book for her and had put a picture of the sonogram we had in it. The kid has their tongue sticking out in the sonogram - yeah, it's my kid alright. The lady that took the picture had a good laugh and told us we were in for it with this kid.
A bit of advice. If your mom is like my mom, a bit emotional (understatement) and really gets excited about things, and if she has been waiting years to be a grandma, and you are about to tell her, pick somewhere private so she can flip out in peace. Smack in the middle of Mimi's Cafe is no place for an emotional outburst of that magnatude.
No matter, the couch was gone, my parents were happy, and I had some killer eggs benedict.
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