I found out I was going to be a dad. First thought? "My boys can swim!" Then, "Oh wow, someone's going to rely on me for guidance, support, and education. Am I mature enough for this?" Likely, I'm not, but then is anyone really? Doesn't matter. It's happening. So what do I do to cope? Build and paint things.
What else would I do? So far as I know, this is the ultimate test that a man faces - being a dad. My response is to fall back to what I know to be the ultimate display of manhood which is working with wood and tools. I can probably thank my dad for this. Looking back, it was working with him in the garage or in the yard where I learned the most from him. Not that he was lecturing me, he was just spending time with me laughing and having a good time. I'm hoping that we get to do the same with my kid, once they're old enough. Okay, enough sappiness.
The plan: we have a three bedroom condo. Room 1 - Master Bedroom - this is where the cats sleep at night and sometimes they are gracious enough to let us sleep there too. Room 2 - The Office - this is where the cats have their litter boxes and have agreed to let me have a desk and computer there too. Room 3 - Spare Room - the cats had an old couch they slept on in here, we negotiated a deal with them to use the closet for storage. Room 1 will stay as it is. Room 2 will become the baby room. Room 3 will be the office. We'll see how this goes.
What else would I do? So far as I know, this is the ultimate test that a man faces - being a dad. My response is to fall back to what I know to be the ultimate display of manhood which is working with wood and tools. I can probably thank my dad for this. Looking back, it was working with him in the garage or in the yard where I learned the most from him. Not that he was lecturing me, he was just spending time with me laughing and having a good time. I'm hoping that we get to do the same with my kid, once they're old enough. Okay, enough sappiness.
The plan: we have a three bedroom condo. Room 1 - Master Bedroom - this is where the cats sleep at night and sometimes they are gracious enough to let us sleep there too. Room 2 - The Office - this is where the cats have their litter boxes and have agreed to let me have a desk and computer there too. Room 3 - Spare Room - the cats had an old couch they slept on in here, we negotiated a deal with them to use the closet for storage. Room 1 will stay as it is. Room 2 will become the baby room. Room 3 will be the office. We'll see how this goes.
I love you man!! I know that you and Cheryl are going to be great parents. I know that I will be the best uncle (ohh how good it feels) I can be. I cant wait to start spoiling my niece or nephew. Thank you for making me soo happy
Thanks for sharing this with us. Congratulations DAD! You are going to be a great DAD. As you probably know this is going to change "YOUR LIFE" for the rest of your life. We Love YOU! MOM & DAD 'B'
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